1950 JKF Goju-kai was established under Gogen Yamaguchi, the first president.
April 2, 1972 With the establishment of Japan Karatedo Federation, Shozo Ujita Shihan and others modified its organization into JKF Goju-kai.
1973 Tournament for paying homage to 20th anniversary of Chojun Miyagi Sensei's death was held in Okinawa.
February 1975 1st Japan Cup was held in Kyoto.
November 1975 4 basic Kata Sanchin, Tensho, Saifa and Seiyunchin were decided.
1980 The rest of 8 Kata (Gekisai 1 and 2, Shisochin, Sanseiru, Seisan, Seipai, Kururunfa and Suparinpei) were decided.
August 21, 1983 Tournament for paying homage to 30th anniversary of Chojun Miyagi's death was held in Okinawa.
April 1987 1st Goju-ryu International Tournament was held in Singapore